Monster Hunter: World released on PC with a delay, and the delay also affected content updates: for example, a crossover with The witcher 3 on consoles took place in February 2019, and it only reached computers in May. Fortunately, in Monster hunter rise platform inequality will be minimized.
About it Capcom told on the game page on Steam.
On the day of release Rise all content will be available on PC up to patch 3.6.1 (it was released yesterday, November 25).
Full synchronization of the two versions is planned to be done at the end of February 2023, that is, about a month and a half after the launch on PC.
Big addon Sunbreak will appear in the summer of 2023 simultaneously on Switch and PC.
Due to the fact that on PC the game is immediately pumped to 3.6.1, computer owners will receive the following right during the release:
Crossovers with Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, Okami, Street fighter, Mega man 11, Ghosts’ n Goblins Resurrection and Sonic the Hedgehog…
Seven additional monsters.
New ending.
Recall Monster hunter rise for PC comes out on January 12, 2023. Pre-order and demo are already available.
The most striking new feature of patch 3.6.1 is just a collaboration with Sonic.